• 瑜伽提斯 (Yogalates)




  • Mental Breather

    When your thoughts speed along like bullet trains, your emotions erupt and you react like an active volcano, you know you need to slow down and take a mental breather. Let your mind breathe deeply and come to a point of stillness.

  • 瑜珈對孕婦的好處

    • 提高孕婦的耐力、肌肉強度、柔軟度及平衡力,減少腰痠背痛,強化關節及肌肉,預防骨骼耗損、肌肉疲累。
    • 呼吸法令孕婦放鬆緊張的情緒,提高注意力,令分娩時更順利、安全。
    • 減輕產前的焦慮、緊張和恐懼。
    • 令孕婦放鬆或控制腹部的肌肉。幫助擴張骨盆、子宮收縮、減少生產過程的痛楚和不適,有助縮短產程。
  • 產前瑜珈 (Pre-Natal Yoga)


    This gentle prenatal yoga class uses yoga poses perfect for pregnancy and will help you relax, stretch all the muscles in your body, deeply connect with your baby, and will help you prepare both mentally and physically for labor.

    本堂課程適合所有 懷孕三個月以上 』的學員參加。



    Chakrasana (wheel pose) is an advanced asana that should only be attempted after you have increased the flexibility of your front side body through regular asana practice. It is recommended to practice this with a teacher present.

    You can enter the posture by building-out from bridge pose. Or, you can lie on your back, bend your knees and bring your heals to touch your buttocks. Grab the right ankle with the right hand and left ankle with the left hand. Inhale the hips up, like in bridge, to enter half-wheel, or Ardha-Chakrasana.

    Once you are substantially comfortable in half-wheel, you can place the hands, fingers pointed backwards, under the shoulders. On the inhalation lift the hips and extend the arms. Breathe deeply and comfortably. As you increase flexibility and comfort, you can bring your hands and feet closer together (as seen in the picture).