• Making Decisions

    Often it’s easy to help others make decisions because we are more objective when we’re not completely emotionally involved.

    So if you want to get good at making your own decisions, get good at being objective.

    Learn to step back from the situation, mentally and emotionally, to gain a better perspective.

    Then you’ll know what’s best for you and what decision to make.

  • Your Inner Artist

    Try seeing things from different perspectives. Look for notable things to wonder at, maybe the tiny detail or a big panorama.

    Then engage your inner artist in what you do and turn everyday actions into an artistic expression.

  • [瑜樂會] 上冊啦!








    [瑜樂會] 今天正式誕生啦!!!




  • Detachment

    * In life we get attracted and become attached to a particular object, person, relationship or situation.

    Attachment seems to be the normal state of our living experience. We seek it without a second thought.

    Is attachment a desirable state?

    When a person develops a strong attachment, he is likely to become sorrowful when the attachment is broken or diminished. His emotional and mental state suffers. The broken hearted, the vindictive behavior, the hatred, the jealousy and sometimes suicides are the result of broken attachments.

    It is a risky business to make the happiness of others our total happiness; to experience the difficulties of others as our difficulties. We should not build our life to such an extent around someone else’s life or any object so that when anything goes wrong we cannot function or we fall apart.

    It is healthier, stronger and much more in wisdom to love everything and everybody, play our roles and perform our duties to the maximum with everybody and still remain detached.

    We will be able to provide more help to others when we ourselves are strong from within.

  • Get Set, Go!

    Set goals and go for them.

    Make a list of your goals, career as well as personal goals, both short-term and long-term. Prepare yourself with the right tools to help you accomplish your goals. Choose the action you will take immediately.

    With your goals in sight, on your mark, get set, ready, go.