• Cat-Cow Extension Sequence Pose

    Benefits: Strengthens abs, back; stretches hips; keeps spine flexible

    Helps: Weak core, stiff back, poor balance


    1. Begin on all fours, shoulders directly over your wrists and hips directly over your knees.


    2. As you inhale, tilt your sit bones up toward the ceiling, reach your chest through your upper arms, and arch your back into cow pose (bitilasana).


    3. As you exhale, tuck your chin in toward your chest, point your tailbone down between your knees, and round your back into cat pose (marjaryasana).


    4. Repeat steps 1 through 3.


    5. Next, as you inhale, raise your left arm out in front of you, thumb pointing up, and extend your right leg out behind you. Hold this position for a moment.


    6. Then, as you exhale, round your back into cat pose and your left elbow and right knee in to meet under your chest. Hold for a moment.


    7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for one to four more sets before switching sides.

  • Down-Dog-to-Plank Sequence Pose


    Benefits: Strengthens shoulders, core, upper back; stretches shoulders

    Helps: Weak core, tight shoulders, breath-movement coordination


    1. Start on all fours with your wrists 6 to 12 inches in front of your shoulders. Separate your knees to hip-width apart and curl your toes under.


    2. On an exhale, come into downward-facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana): lift your knees off the floor, reach your sit bones toward the ceiling, and straighten your legs. Hold for two breaths.


    3. On an inhale, shift your weight forward into the top of a pushup, plank pose. Reach back through your heels and forward through the crown of your head, shifting your gaze down to your mat to keep your neck long. Keep your core strong and straight. Hold for two breaths.


    4. On an exhale, push back into down dog, rolling from the balls of your feet to your heels.


    5. On your next inhale, shift forward into plank, repeating the sequence by following your breath to move between the two poses. Do 5 to 10 rounds.

  • Let Go and Let Love

    Just as the bird has to let go of the branch in order to fly, in the same way we also need to let go to experience and express love.

    The branches we hold on to are our attachments (people and objects).  When we mentally hold on to something or someone, we open ourselves to feel fear, pain, anger and possessiveness.

    Love is about letting go and letting others be.  It’s about appreciating and accepting without dependency and expectation.

  • Tree Pose

    Benefits: Strengthens legs, ankles, knees; stretches chest, shoulders

    Helps: A scattered mind, poor balance, poise


    1. Stand with your feet together in mountain pose (tadasana), hands in prayer position.


    2. Lift your right foot off the floor, turn your right knee out to side and place sole of your right foot on your inner left thigh anywhere between your knee (not on it, above it) and your groin. Gently press your foot into your leg and your leg into your foot as you reach your left foot into the floor. Hold for three to five breaths.


    3. Extend your arms overhead if you like. Trying various arm positions can test your balance further. Or close your eyes. Hold for another three to five breaths.


    4. When you’re ready to come out of the pose, release your right foot from your left leg, turn your right knee to point straight in front of you, and lower your feet and hands.


    5. Switch sides and repeat.

  • Child’s Pose, Wide-Kneed Variation (Balasana, variation)

    Benefits: Stretches back, groins, inner hips, inner thighs

    Helps: Indigestion, a scattered mind


    1. Begin in downward-facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana). Lift your heels and separate your knees, as you lower them to the floor.


    2. Then lower your torso to the mat, keeping your hands stretched out in front of you. Stay here for five breaths or 5 minutes, based on how you feel.