產前瑜珈 (Pre-Natal Yoga)
This gentle prenatal yoga class uses yoga poses perfect for pregnancy and will help you relax, stretch all the muscles in your body, deeply connect with your baby, and will help you prepare both mentally and physically for labor.
本堂課程適合所有 『 懷孕三個月以上 』的學員參加。
Chakrasana (wheel pose) is an advanced asana that should only be attempted after you have increased the flexibility of your front side body through regular asana practice. It is recommended to practice this with a teacher present.
You can enter the posture by building-out from bridge pose. Or, you can lie on your back, bend your knees and bring your heals to touch your buttocks. Grab the right ankle with the right hand and left ankle with the left hand. Inhale the hips up, like in bridge, to enter half-wheel, or Ardha-Chakrasana.
Once you are substantially comfortable in half-wheel, you can place the hands, fingers pointed backwards, under the shoulders. On the inhalation lift the hips and extend the arms. Breathe deeply and comfortably. As you increase flexibility and comfort, you can bring your hands and feet closer together (as seen in the picture).
希瓦南達瑜伽 (Sivananda Yoga)
專注在拜日式 ─ 12個基礎傳統瑜伽姿勢和身心全面的深層放鬆,能讓你釋放出生理及心理上不必要的緊張外,並透過練習將有助於達到身心的平衡與和諧。
陰陽瑜珈 (Yin Yang)
融合陰瑜珈(Yin Yoga)及哈達瑜珈(Hatha Yoga)的主要元素,開始先練習簡單的體位法,促進體內能量的循環;接著,透過長時間靜止和伸展,達到刺激經絡的效果。
…逢星期二 20:00-21:00