• Let’s Dance~






  • 新潮排排舞 (Funky Line Dance)




    People Dancing at a Discotheque



  • The Skip


    Position : Solo, 2wall line dance

    Choreographer : John & Janette Sandham, Preston

    Music : ‘Cajun Girl’ by Dave Sherrif (Western Dance UK)


    1-4 5-8 L Vine & Touch, R Vine & Hitch. Pivot 1/4 Turn R

    LF step to L side, RF cross behind L

    LF step to L side, RF touch beside L

    RF step to R side, LF cross behind R

    RF step to R side, pivot 1/4 turn to R, hitch

    9-12 LF Rocks. Hitch & Pivot 1/2 Turn L

    LF rock forward, RF rock back

    LF rock forward, pivot !/2 turn to L, hitch

    13-16 RF Rocks. Hitch & Pivot 1/4 Turn R

    RF rock forward, LF rock back

    RF rock forward, pivot % turn to R, hitch

    17-20 LF Step. Hitch & Turn 1/4 R. RF Hitch & Turn 1/4R 

    LF step down, make 1/4 turn to R, hitch

    RF step down, make 1/4 turn to R, hitch




  • Macarena


    1. Right hand goes out palm down.

    2. Left hand goes out palm down.

    3. Right palm up.

    4. Left palm up.

    5. Right hand to left shoulder.

    6. Left hand to right shoulder.

    7. Right hand to right back of ear.

    8. left hand to left back of ear.

    9. Right hand to left hip.

    10. Left hand to right hip.

    11. Right hand to right buns.

    12. Left hand to left buns.

    13. Roll hips with hands on buns.

    14. Roll hips with hands on buns.

    15. Roll hips with hands on buns.

    16. With small jump turn 1/4 turn to right, hands still on buns and hips rolling.

  • 排排舞的十大守則

    1. 微笑,放鬆,盡情享受跳舞的樂趣
    2. 耐性:不要期待一步登天,給自己多點時間學習和練習,並且很有耐性把每個動作跳得完美
    3. 重覆練習:如果要融入排排舞的世界,要不斷練習,直到自己可以聞歌起舞
    4. 經常性:如果你希望成為排排舞高手,每週至少要練習二次
    5. 問問題:針對每個不瞭解的舞步、跳的順序、拍子,都儘量請老師講解,同時自己要牢記
    6. 參加Party:在排排舞的Party中,不僅會很開心,還會對舞步更加深記憶
    7. 初學者:以自己的風格漸進,不要讓排排舞高手混淆你的舞步
    8. 直線排排跳:排排舞儘可能要排成一直線、對齊跳就不會顯得很混亂
    9. 試著練習動作小點的舞步跳法,避免因為場地的壅擠,而無法施展舞步
    10. 自得其樂,不用在意別人的眼光