Yes! No!?

We say yes often times to things when we should have said

We said No to things when we should have said

What is the criteria to decide when to say yes or no?
The criteria is say yes to things that will lift you up to your ultimate Self, and No to things that will pull you down.

There is not enough Yes for good things.
It should be Yes! Yes! Yes!

There should be No to ignorance, doubts, fears and illusions.

Yes to Knowledge, Yes to Learning, Yes to Inspiration, Yes to Health. Yes to Selfless Love.
No to Negativities which lead to diseases, stress. No to Hatred, No to Abuse. No to Craziness.

Yes is not easy to say in this world of confusion, where everyone prefers “maybe”
for fear of commitment and fear of being deceived. But it takes a YES to be FREE from ignorance and pains.

We invite you to embark on a Yes to Positive Life at the Yoga Farm. Read our YES Newsletter …which stands for Yoga Events Sadhana.

Sadhana stands for those things we do systematically which will bring us HOME to our True and Healthy Self, and switch the quality of our feeling to a more Calm and Centered one.

by Swami Sitaramananda